Fees and Charges 2022/23

Adopted 28 Jun 2022

Late in 2021 we exhibited proposed new fees for shallow tie-up areas at Bells and Carols Wharves and received 24 submissions. The reporting and implementation of these fees was postponed.

We are now exhibiting all related fees to these wharves as part of our Operational Plan and Budget 2022/2023. View fees and charges associated with Bells and Carols Wharves here.

Submissions received to date will be carried over, however if you would like to comment further, you may do so during that consultation.

The Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan and Budget 2022/2023 will be reported to Council on 28 June 2022.


We currently manage four public wharves across Pittwater and Western Foreshores.

Private watercraft owners are charged fees to use the tie-up facilities on our wharves which are used to keep the areas tidy, safe and accessible.

The fees charged for our wharves are exhibited annually as part of our Operational Plan and Budget (which include Fees and Charges 2021/22). These were adopted at the Council meeting held in June 2021.

Community engagement has closed on this and these fees are now in place, however, you can learn more and read the outcomes of the engagement here.

(External link).

Outlined below are the fees now in place for all wharves currently managed by Council.

Please note that these fees (as adopted by Council in June 2021) will apply to both Bells and Carols Wharves in line with all other Council managed wharves from early 2022.

As you may know, we are now upgrading Bells and Carols Wharves on Scotland Island. These upgrades will provide an extra 32 tie-ups at each wharf, bringing the total tie-ups at Bells Wharf to 40 and 74 at Carols Wharf. They will also provide improved safety, better access for commuters, new ferry shelters and a wider ferry boarding area.

Council will take on the ongoing management of the moorings once upgrade works are complete, bringing the total of Council managed public wharves to six.

Proposed fees were exhibited between 29 October and 12 December 2021, during which time we received 12 submissions.

The implementation of these fees was postponed pending the exhibition of the 2022/23 Fees and Charges in May 2022.

Table 1: Current fees on Council managed wharves



2021 - 2022 Fee

GST Applicable

Wharf boat tie-up facilities.

Full year - annual permit March to February.

Per year



Wharf boat tie-up facilities - 2nd permit for Scotland Island and Western Foreshores residents (note must have a mainland permit to be eligible for this fee).

Annual permit March to February.

Per year



Wharf boat tie-up facilities.

Half year - permit valid from September.

Per half year



As Council is taking on the management of these facilities, the above fees will be applied to tie-up moorings on both Carols and Bells Wharves once improvements are completed. Work is anticipated to be completed in early 2022.

The proposed upgrade plans show that there will be 28 tie-up moorings at Carols Wharf and four tie-up moorings at Bells Wharf regularly impacted by the tides which will result in little or no water beneath them at certain times.

In recognition of this, we are proposing special rates for these shallow tie-up moorings areas. These proposed fees will be half the cost of the standard fees detailed in the Table 1 above. See the Table 2 below for details.

Submissions on this proposal were invited between 29 October and 12 December 2021. We are reviewing feedback and will provide an report on consultation outcomes early 2022.

Table 2: Proposed new fees for shallow tie-up areas



2021 - 2022 Fee

GST Applicable

Wharf boat tie-up facilities – identified shallow sites Bells and Carols Wharves only.

Full year - annual permit March to February.

Per year



Wharf boat tie-up facilities – identified shallow sites Bells and Carols Wharves only.

Half year - permit valid from September.

Per half year



Tie -up mooring plans

Shallow tie-up moorings indicated in yellow below.